Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Sad Truth in Today's Spiritual Journey

“In the pursuit of learning,
every day something is acquired,
and in the pursuit of spirit,
every day something is dropped.” - Lao Tsu

Monday, September 7, 2009

Refrigerator Mystery

I wonder why but every time I open the refrigerator, I am hoping that a delicious food would just magically appear inside there even though I know that there won't be (haha! ;D). It's a never-ending habit I do and I can't help but just laugh at it.

Hmmm.. I wonder. Is it just me? Nah, I bet everyone else does the same. I see that my sisters, my Mom, my Dad, my cousin, and everyone else does the same too.

Funny isn't it?

Smell Doggy, Smell

I didn't know digs smell things like that.
Look at it, his nose is pressed firmly onto the ground.
Wow, that must have been one thing he's looking for.

Father's Wallet

One day, as my best guy bud and I were strolling along the aisle of a mall, glancing at the different stores and their items, when suddenly the topic of our conversation were about wallets. Ah! Now I remember, we shifted the topic of our conversation to wallets because we found wallets at a store.

We talked about different brands of wallets. From Gucci to boardwalk to other brands I've already forgotten, we talked about the likes and dislikes in all of them, the things we put into them and on what we do to them and also, maybe (I can't seem to remember clearly), on how much money we put on to them.

"Intawon.. Daghan kaayo tsada nga mga wallet.", said I.

"Tsada lage pero gamay ra kaayo kwarta sulod.", said my bestfriend.

"Nah mao. Tsada pitaka pero intawon ang sulod, wala! Hahahaha!"

Then I thought about the wallet of my father.

"Pero Do, ang pitaka sa akong Papa ba, wa juy ilis ilis. Bisag gapalitan namo siya ug bag-o, mao ra japon, gamiton ra japon niya ang iyaha daan nga pitaka." I said.

"Hala Ai! Lage ba! Akong Papa in-ana jpon, grabe pajud ka karaan na kana bitawng daghan na kaayo panit panit!", said my bestfriend.

"Lage dayon wala pajud kastyle-style! As in, grabeh lang jud siya kasimple to the max, bah? bah? Pero...". I paused.

Looking at each other as if one has read the same thoughts of the other, we both said at the same time, snapping each of our fingers:

"Pero daghan kwarta!!!!!!"

A huge gush of laughter we both gave out.

"Lageh bah! Bisag grabeh ka pangit kei grabeeeeeehh pud ka tambok!", said my bestfriend, still laughing.

"Ug atoa... Perting tsada lageh., pero ang sulod wala ra kacompara sa ilaha.", said I, still giggling.

"Ngano kaha bah."

There we were, at the mall, still laughing like two wild hyenas just because of that one irony in life we noticed. We still haven't solved the mystery of why the wallets of our Father's are old and plain like that, nor did we uncover the truth of why they prefer those things and didn't care about stuffs like style and sophistication, nonetheless those things really did make us laugh.

When My Miming (Kitty) Smiled, I Laughed

I chuckled, giggled, and laughed hard when I saw this as I was browsing over the pictures my little sister had taken with the camera. That little Miming giving off a weird grin like that as if he's drunk, what a new expression from his everyday serious face.

Here's an edited version of it made by my little sis'.

Cry Only for the Present

I've decided.

I will not cry for what's lying ahead in the future anymore. Instead, I will cry for what is happening at the present, the now. It is useless to shed your tears at something that has not happened yet. The future will, in time, take its place and only then will I react to what has become of it. I have rediscovered this thought just now, this thought of living at the present.

I had been worried about something a little while ago and at one point, that worry took my mind wandering into the future, feeding my imagination with visions of failing and disappointment. As the thought of failing in something and disappointing everyone crossed into my mind, it made me feel the sudden urge to cry.

I shook my head.

"No." I thought. "It's not good to cry for something that has not happened yet, cry only when it has actually happened."

Dazed by the thought that came in me as if a wise person inside of me had spoken it in behalf of myself, I absorbed the idea with full open mind. (This was not the first time that it happened).

The urge to cry disappeared. The feeling of being vulnerable dissipated and a feeling of unknown yet familiar vigor replaced it.

"Precisely." I thought as I grinned.

It is pointless to worry of the things that are not yet here, at the present moment, insensible to the five senses. Right now, what is important is living at the present. The future will take its course, pleasant or not.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

At Last!!!

x_x At last, I finally logged on to my blogger account...

Mygawd! I tried for almost like a 1 zillion times (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating) logging into my blogger account and I can't seem to log in, it said my use name wasn't recognized. Stupido Blogger. I was crying my heart out wondering if ever my account was deleted. What will happen to all of the blogs I had posted?!?!?!?! WAAA Grrrrr

Oh well, I'm relieved. At least it wasn't deleted as I had thought. Phew. . .

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Lessons that You Get from Other People

If I had to wander or sit around together with a person for one whole day,

just talking about anything under the sun,

or just paying close attention to the different detailed parts of the world that surround us,

I'd choose someone who is totally different from me,

so that I could learn something new from him or her.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Isn't it funny?

Haven't you reliazed..

..that in texting and chatting...'ll always know the conversation ends when...

..the last reply will be...



.. "hehe"?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Daily Life of the Witty Mind

My mind has been completely humorous these days. I just can't stop smiling, laughing, and grinning due to these random funny thoughts my mind's been giving me, from the most corniest and funniest joke to the most embarrassing and awkward moment of my life. I worry sometimes that if people might caught me grinning by myself, I'll be branded as strange. Haha! ;)

No big. This is me we're talking, even the most plain, old and most cliched unnoticed detail, my sense of humor does not fail to find a part of it that would make the sides of my lips curve upwards. After all, I am a dupe for hilarious things.

Laughter and hilarity, in the end, is always the best medicine and one of the best things in life that is free. Though it does not cure all illness & disease in this world, it sure does cure boredom. Haha. ;P


... on the second thought ... cut the last sentence please.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Rebel Heart's Random Thoughts 1

"Life is set by different rules made by humankind.

When I was ignorant of those rules that run this life's game, I always had control in almost everything.


By the time I became aware of those rules, I lost that sense of control."

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Health Freak Self 1 (acupuncture)

I've had my first acupuncture yesterday.


It was great.

I'm happy because I've found out that most of my health organs are actually fine (I'm healthy. Haha!) except for my kidneys I think 'cause I actually felt a tolerable pain when the point/nerve on my ankle, which was said to flow right to the kidneys, was put into pressure. After that, all other pressure points gave me no pain at all, well, except for the right temple which was said to indicate migraine. (I do have migraine btw) The acupuncturist then gave me tea after that.

Whew! I thought needles were going to be pricked onto me but, thank goodness, it was only magnets. If it were needles, I'd rather refuse. Haha. I've had too much needles pricked onto different parts of my body when I was little (not at the same time). Well, maybe not too much, but I still count it as many. Hehe

Well, that's it. I was about to add some more info's (about why I'm healthy.Char!) but, I'm holding myself back right now. It's 2:30am and I better go to sleep. REALLY better go to sleep.


Good morning insomnians! Rebel Heart is now REALLY sleeping off...



It's 1:30 in the morning and I'm waiting for the rice to be cooked. We celebrated Reinjo's birthday just a little bit while ago (I just got home) and dang, I've only eaten macaroni(it was a snack party, & I got there 7pm.. haha). My tummy's asking for more. Really, no matter what, I just can't help not to skip a meal.

So here I am now, eating dinner, early in the morning.(haha) After that, I better drink tea.

School's about to come back by the way.. Ugh, busy again. Well, enough about that.

Better sleep tight! n_n I've been sleeping late lately this school break due to the flu. Waaaaaii >.< Due to that I'm having breakouts.. T_T Well, better sleep early starting now so......

Good morning insomnians! Rebel Heart sleeping off.....

Really, I'm still eating..